On canvas

Out of all the paintings in my online gallery, only 1 piece has been made on canvas. If you purchase the painting on canvas, you can be certain that you possess a unique piece that belongs solely to you.

In Print (coming soon)

Do you prefer Print over Canvas? You can order a print of almost all the paintings in the shop. You can also choose from several other prints which add something unique to your interiour!

Check the Collections

Discover the captivating allure of the texture collection, infusing your interior with an irresistible blend of serenity and coziness. Elevate not just your living room, but also create a mesmerizing ambiance in your restaurant or waiting room with these extraordinary artworks.

Embark on an unforgettable journey through mesmerizing horizontal and vertical landscapes. Each stroke unveils intricate details that breathe life into these unique pieces. Full of detail, diverse in color, and each one unique. Leaving a lasting impression without bounds. 

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.

- Edgar Degas

Art for every interior

The quest for the perfect artwork for your interior can sometimes feel like a challenge. Many people hesitate when choosing art, wondering if it will fit their style, color palette, or even the space in which it will be placed. It's understandable; art plays a crucial role in transforming a house into a home, and it should seamlessly align with the personal taste and lifestyle of the residents.

In my collection of carefully crafted paintings, you will find artworks specifically designed to overcome this common dilemma. Acrylic paint and texture paste pieces form unique creations that are not only visually appealing but also add a sophisticated tactility to the space.

Refresh your interior

Art shouldn't be a source of concern when refreshing your interior; it should be an enrichment. My paintings are intended to add a sense of warmth and individuality to any space. They are not mere decorative pieces but rather expressive additions that enhance the personality and atmosphere of your home.

Integrate art into your home

So, if you're wondering how to integrate art into your interior, I invite you to explore my collection. Discover the diverse range of styles and colors and see how art can transform not only the walls but the entire ambiance of your living space. Infuse a touch of creativity into your daily life and turn your home into an artistic sanctuary that reflects your personality.

Whether you're seeking abstract art, modern paintings, or colorful artworks for your interior, my gallery offers a variety of options. Let art enrich your interior and discover how the right paintings can be the perfect complement to your stylish living space. Explore my collection now and find the artwork that suits your unique taste and vision.

Advise or information?

If you have any questions about my art pieces or if you want some advise, do not hesitate to contact me via email. I would love to help you find your perfect art piece.